Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Journey

Most people will say that great people take the "road less travelled".  As a parent of 5 children, one with autism and another with speech issues, I can guarantee you that the road less travelled is a bit out of reach.  When you have a child with special needs, you travel a special road, the road that most just pass by.  It's the road that people walk by on their way to the "road less traveled", the one that looks overgrown, treacherous, difficult, and slightly ominous.

I cannot speak for everyone, but I think most of us who find ourselves on this special road are not here by choice, but rather by fate and necessity.  But don't feel too sorry for us here...the rest are really missing out.  The road may be difficult, often frustrating, and sometimes impossible, but these drawbacks are far outweighed by the joys.  When you struggle through the ugliness, the simple things are far more wonderful and beautiful.  When the road becomes impassable, it just means you have more time to stop and look around at all there is to see, and forces you to be ingenious and creative to find ways to travel on.  On our special road, there are always others to help you along the way, more willing to stop and aid because they too have been there.

Even in the dark and difficult moments when that road seems empty and impassable, I have to remind myself to look forward.  For there are footprints there already, footprints of one who has trod the road and knows the way, and is waiting to walk it with all of us.

It is a road that make the journey far more amazing.

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