Sunday, January 27, 2013 do I do it?

The biggest hurdle to this whole dream is going to be the money.  With 5 kids and a house that is a money pit (is there any other kind?), there isn't a lot of money (certainly not $20,000) just lying about.

Being overseas complicates matters a bit as well.  First, we are at a base that is a first time assignment for a significant number of people, meaning they are young, poor, and trying to raise families of their own.

Second, we are stationed in a country that two years ago suffered a truly devastating earthquake and tsunami, and we are not that far from the hardest hit areas.  There are people here struggling just to provide the basic necessities of heat, shelter, food, education.  It just seems so wrong to try and raise money for something as "non-essential" as a service dog.

Third, since we are using government property, there are rules (in triplicate) that govern what we can and cannot do on base...forms to fill out, space to find, basically a massive bureaucratic headache.

I am however not deterred (not yet anyway).

I have come up with a few ideas to raise money:
  1. Bake Sale- Ah, the good old fashioned stand by!  Who doesn't love cookies, cake and pie?  I have seen a few bake sales on base since we got here, but they have always been for organizations (work groups, girl scouts, swim team, etc).  I am not sure how a bake sale for a private individual would be received.
  2. Yard Sale- Trust me, we have junk in spades, and I have been trying to sell off items we no longer use or need.  Not much success so far.
  3. Service Auction- People (probably me) donate a service.  Think babysitting, snow shovelling, dog walking, cakes, cards, house painting, whatever they want to offer.  People (not me) bid for those services, and the money goes into the pot.  Our kids primary school in England used to do this every year at Christmas to raise money.
  4. Walk-a-thon- It is approximately 9,900 miles from our house to the kennel in Harmony, NC.  I was thinking I could walk/bike/row/run those 9,900 miles over the course of the year, and people could donate per mile (thinking maybe a total of $1 per mile, so each individual could toss in a few cents per mile).  That would be about 27 miles a day....I think I might need to get a treadmill.
  5. "Direct Marketing" - Oh Facebook my friend, how you could help me raise money.  A simple approach would just be putting out the word, and seeing what happens.  That is where the blog, facebook, twitter, e-mail and word of mouth come in.
Sadly, that is all I can think of so far.  I always open to suggestions and ideas.

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